Monday, February 1, 2010

Ice Cream day =) whee i would like to share some interesting things. I donno bout u guys out there how interested r u in ICE CREAM! but i am..i always find that ice cream will always lighten up my day no matter how stress am i..the best choice is grab a ice cream. And my choice of ice would be eithe Baskin Robbins or lecka lecka. i just came back from eating ice cream at baskin robbin, bangsasr! It actually an accidental plan...on top of that..its 31st January! Oh yes!! 31 Robbin came out with its brilliant marketting strategy to make a promotion on their super yummyyyy ice creeam on every 31st of the month !! how cool is that for someone that really cant get enuff of ice cream...(its meant for me) haha.

Baskin Robbin 31% off for ever 31st of the month!! hurry for ice cream there or be square! They have handpacket PINT, QUART, and HALF GALLON! u can choose what ever Flovor and enjoy it till ur fulled! oh yes....dont forget to enjoy your sensational ice cream with your loved will makes it taste even more sweet and nicer!! serious...cos i did that! hahaha...c u round baskin every 31st of the month;)


  1. tak larat nak makan ice cream kat baskin..slalunye makan kids size je..hehe..i'm not a fan of ice cream.but once i crave for it, i can eat a lot of ice cream.

  2. its ok~ as long as u enjoy the moment wating ice cream its all about it=)
