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Monday, December 3, 2012

My Entertainment world~

It is true that what we seen and been exposed before is what we are today~
When i grow up i tend to get told the way it is and my life is just to live wonderful happy life inside this world.  Guess what? i make myself the best out of everything i do..i mean practically glued myself into the entertainment world. To look back, since im small i've this lil vision seeing myself resolve around this beautiful and happening world. The weird thing is that me never ever had this lil tots which i'm the one who be in front of camera...perhaps much more be the one who create beautiful things just to inspired others. heh~ dang! what a cliche vision i had. lol..

I donno what to do with my life if there is no entertainment world..where should i work? i know my best is doing sumthing good related to the media industry..and there i went again, resolve around my small fun world. It is tiring as a whole but when everything comes into a nice pieces, it is so satisfying!How could i ever end this lil world of mine....the life i've been so much blessed so far and Alhamdulillah i'm so enjoy it in every secs and mins. Maybe yeah, commitment will soon take over this world of mine as naturally as it is. So, for now myself have to walk down creating more wonderful colors and always thankful with all the wonderful blessings. 

ok..lets called it as CONSUMER FAIR 2012 je la..serious susah tul nk nyebut nyer..its to 'gohmen' kinda words. lol. what is this consumer fair all about?? well from my point of view, it actually one of a good platform as it is an INTERNATIONAL EVENT where by this event will bring the best and unique products from all the countries involve which is....MALAYSIA, BRUNEI, INDONESIA, PHILIPPINES and THAILAND. Awesome kan? ^_^

For me, cam biasa la...i gotta do the media promotion and advertising works. hiks;) rite from TVC, print and Radio...and this time round the ministry really seek my help in hype up the events by involving artistes and some games for the visitors. You know, what an ebent without ENTERTAINMENT value in it rite? i suggested them the artistes to perform at nite and calling up on ground team from Hotfm and TV3. I practically know how awesome they did their work in pulling out the all been done successfully. 

 event been held at MITC Melaka and targeted visitors are round 60K..huhu~ oh ya...there were about 300  booth open which the highest participation are from Brunei and Philippines..BRAVOO!!lets check out the picture taken during the 3 days event! huhu


part from being there for client's event..ehem* its actually been held at my guy kinda town yaw~ Melaka! so, this was my first nite out with him to the famous attraction place in melaka street..JONKER WALK!

hmm..used to handle this twins back when i was in TV9..hell yeah! this kid really a FOREVER

i enjoy the cultural dance pretty much as it always remind me back of my those days being on stage under the spotlight~ ahaks!err....*cliche* pfft!~

aww~ my baby robyn chan is all healthy and aggressive than before..guess she is super loved and adapt with her new home ..*SUPER LIKE*  

hiks~ 1st gift from ni sure sbb bola menang ari tu lawan indo. Thanks~

look at entertainer my emcee and the on ground rovers are...pantang dapat mic..ada je benda nk berhujah, teasing and merepek :p

Niceee!! she turned her very fuzzy and curly hair into a new hair style. Pretty NADIA AF6 :)

U might think..WHO is THIS GIRL??? hey hey..its ILA DAMIA..she used to be on MENTOR reality tv show..awesome voice and very pleasant appearance. ;) 

if i were to come across this dude, i probably doesn't know who is he? but as he sang his song and i went like...uhhhhhh..its AMIR from SOFAZ BAND!! haha. 

my guy~ just happily testing his new tele lens on my client's event. *suke la tu~*

Thanks Bro in helping me to hype up my client's event. U and ya team just rocking out well enuff!! BRAVO! us again~ lol

He end up the CONSUMER FAIR DAY wt an extra bonus song. THANK YOU wahai SOFAZ BAND. ur a really musician i can say~ 


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