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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Moody Sunday....

How can i tell bout my lame moody Sunday. I was MUCH happier yesterday..and i don't know somehow something turn off my bubbly and cheerful Sunday! Everything and everybody put a blame on me...and i felt i'm so fucking useless!! why why why?? i just need some support and appreciation from others but all they can see is my mistakes? while i'm always giving supports to others in whatever they do..not letting them down..not even once !... Sometimes i even ask my self, why should i be nice to people who always notice my mistakes rather than the good things i did? Is it hard to say Thank YOu or give some positive supports? i aint not need any money for god sake! u got nothing to loose nway...

There's only lil misunderstanding than leads to a MAJOR disaster! but please do remember than i'm trying my best here..put so many effort to make this happen as much as want to see all my friends happy. If what in the return i get is just bad points for u guys..i guess there's no room i can be trusted ever in your heart....T_T

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