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Thursday, December 12, 2013

He stole my heart…and..refuse to give it back ~

I said YES!!! #engaged on 27 October 2013. As i search for the words to say, I smile with thoughts and vision of this day. Approximately a month ago, he decided to put a RING on my finger. And I'm all BOOKED!

Our journey hasn't been easy but we've always treated our relationship like a marriage. 3 years of hard work, loyalty, honesty and love and now we left another 37 days to embark on the next step of our journey….#bride2be I Love my fiancĂ© and i will always treat him like a KING…of course cos i really wanna be his devoted QUEEN. lol. The one who I will be with until the end. InsyAllah.

I am so happy yet nervous to think that another few days is my big day. The day in which of every girl looking up for.  I am truly glad that i found him in my life journey. God has made us for one another and i believes there are thousands of beautiful reasons behind all the set up. A love we never shared with no other. Thru good, thru bad..happy and sad… One thing will always remain true is he steal my heart everyday and i just like it to be that way now…and forever! Oh God, Pls just don't make this feeling fade away~ ^_^

So again I said YES!

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