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Sunday, October 21, 2012

what i think about "Expectation"~

Expectation plays a large role in achievement. If a person or organization has a goal, they have the expectation to reach this goal. In doing so they have the ability not only of reaching the goal but to exceed it. It can also be a lot of fun.
Expectation sort of goes hand in hand with the power of positive thinking and guided imagery in terms of achievement or successful outcomes. If I don't believe in what I am doing, or have a strong sense that I am on the right track or path, why in the world would I be involved in something that I feel isn't going to work out? If I have done my homework and all signs point toward success, then I must be highly invested in what I am doing with a more than positive sense and an expectation that it will work out. 

Toward my achievement in anything I do, I always surround myself with people who buy into my vision, or dream, or project, whatever it is so that the energy is high, the desire to succeed is high, the effort to make it work is there, and there is a total buy in. There will always be obstacle and unforeseen problems that occur, but how I deal with will determine the outcome. Sometimes you have to shift gears or switch directions but worst comes to worst i have to go with the flow. Life is organic, flexibility counts for a lot. Probably, I will not meet our objective sometimes? Of course. But every challenge or disappointment is an opportunity for something new.

I always expect a satisfying job content, good working environment, nice colleagues, attractive pay and perks, some amount of authority and independence, avenues to grow even higher up are common contentions.

"What the most I actually expect are satisfying job content, good working environment, nice colleagues, attractive pay and perks, some amount of authority and independence, avenues to grow higher up are the common contentions. " (ok!! people get it Linda...jgn nk repeat byk kali la kan....) lol~

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