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Thursday, July 30, 2009

ViVa La Linda:)

As i open my eyes today, I noticed that today is sOooo gonna be a great day for me. The sun shinning kind of different espeacially early morning. As I pulled up my blinds and i can feel the gentle heat of the sun greeting me on this happy day of mine. I have a familiar feeling about today. The same feeling I have always had when ever i surrounded by my love ones and it brings excitement in the atmosphere. Then i was my FREAKING BIRTHDAY yaw!! haha. So, VIVA LA LINDA..LoL. Happy 24th Birthday Linda Roos:)

I got so many birthday greetings via SMS, phone calls and not to be forgotten FACEBOOK! How beautiful a day can be When kindness touches it! Thank You...thank you...for the warm wishes. God Bless me and also to you guys. As for celebration, I always feel that once you get more and more elder(i dont wanna use the word 'older')hehe, celebration seems to be very important and meaningful as every time I celebrate it, my heart is full with gratitude. I celebrate my life on the earth has been a year longer (how mercyful my God to me) and also take it as a new start for a new chapter, new vision in life.

p/s: thanks to my lovely interns, Ina for buying me Breakfast as my pressie and to my dearest Crazy guys, DiDi and Ai and not to be forgetting my superb Biatch, Dura for came by and had lunch with me 2day;) I'm soOoo Looking forward for the weekend!!! ..........;)

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