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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Enjoyment week.....

Last 2 weeks, on Saturday nite, me and my friends gather 2gether at one of my Friend's House. Well, they said its for sure gonna be a surprise on my 24th birthday. But as i got into that House..there wasn't any surprise.haha... what a high expectaction i had. Well, no biggie bout that..i had many kind celebrations for the past 23 years in this lovely world. So, there was 3 of us....Me, my 'partner in crime', and the owner of the house. and 1 of us in still on his way..

So, 2 of my fwens start getting ready what they had planned. I didn't know anything all i know is they all started to prepared food..Spagetti, nuggets, fries and drinks. And i'm do what ever i can do at his living room..hehe. Then come another friend of mine...i can tell that the party just bout to start...yehuuuuu....then another couple and tadaaa...there was 8 of us all together. There 2 guys i dont even know..but well...minggling around is sooo my thang;) so, everybody got to know each other. Yay! haha....

We really had lots of stories..jokes threw out while we dine 2gether that nite.. until the lights went off out of sudden! I was like..ok..the party bout to start yaww!~.........and everybody looking at me..and there goes a light from kitchen and it moving towards me...tadaaaaa..ITS A BLOODY CHOC CAKE u o'lls!~ hahaha.. i was like... MY GOSH!! U guyss...aww man.....and they all starts to sang a birthday song for me:) told ya! there will be a surprised for me..i just knew it!!! Thanks darlings for all this.....and most of all i enjiy the party till the sun raised up,thou...and i never slept while others fallen asleep...

Seriously it was such a hectic weekend..full of fun,laughters, and loved. After i had that kinda surprised celebration...the next day i've another 'date' with my besties back in CYBERJAYA!!! ladies are growns up!! i went to catch up with them, got to see her cute lil baby Iris. There was Nana, Fiena and of course my lovely twin, Leen=) When i look at them, it brings me back to our old memories back when we were a group of dancers for MMU. It was such a FUN back then...and 2 of them got married last year..both of them keep asking me and leen..when is our time?? I looked at leen...and i said..of COurse its gonna be turn..i donno.....i just dont...;( but yeah! meeting them bring tears and fun in me=) Me and Leen looking forward to see Fiena baby instead....i've a long way to go....aftr the started back to raise up as usual....;)

Thanks So MUCH to have your kinda time with Me. Love each and everyone of u.........^_^


  1. it's not really fun at the end after 'that news' kan? hehe.

    anyway. get well very very soon, linda-chan (^_^)

  2. nice story. jum exchnge link nak?

  3. thanks tyna;) keep me update with ya cool and nice posts as well;)
