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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My chinese New Year Holiday!

Seriously i tot my CNY holidays gonna be bored...u mom and brother went to sis bz with her new house. My other brother..well what can i say..his getting marrried really hard to catch him @ home. So left me and my maid. But guess wasn't boring at all.....In woke up early up my lappy and Carmen Buzz me asked me to follow her to waterfalls! Then i remembered i had a planned with Meg to go fishing which supposed to happen the day b4...then i rang him to confirm whether its on or not...and to my surprise the plan is on!! i told carmen i she kind of excited to join me..I'm more than happy thou! But then i asked her to meet early...go out for lunch b4 meet Meg at his home. She agreed to meet me at my house,park her car and jumped into my car. We went for lunch 2gether to eat sushi @ One Utama! hoyehhh!..and of course klo dah jumpe minah ni...sure x lari dr gossip2 TERKINI!!!!huahuaha....

And then..yesss we are ready to go FISHING!! wheeee.......

Punya la suke we both dpt gi memancing!

Me, Carmen, Meg and His friend(Tawakal)..yup just 4 of us gi memancing. Ntah mana ntah si Meg ni bwk we all masuk Kampung kat Sungai Buluh...tau tau..sampai kat a place called Tasik biru @ Kundang ! Its really a HUGE POND....but we end up going lil bit futher up to a small pond near to Kundang Golf Club! and obviusly i felt in love with the scenery...well..nak jatuh chenta ngan scenery pon hengat gak la..we have mission to accomplish! Lets fishing...and guess what 1st time ni nak try pasang umpan i did asked tawakal for some 'cacing' which he baught on the way to fishing port..He gave me cacing ngan berani ni masok kan cacing tu kat umpan..blum masok lg aku dah jeritttttttttttttt....x smua plak pandang kan! yg lain stok usha panas...sbb maybe buat bising buat ikan yg br nak mkn umpan dorank tu trus x jd mkn..and dorank end up x dpt ikan...oppSs....sorry ye...cacing tu bergerak and really GELI siallllllll! trus aku soh tawakal tu masok kan tuk aku!hehe...wa x brani arr....brani pada mula nyer...bile dah pegang tu..aiyoooo...tuhan je la tau how i felt!haha...then mula la pemancingan aku!! huhu....ader 2 kali blg jorang and then..tadaaaaaaaaa...dpt anak IKAN TALAPHIA!! hehe....bkn trus nak lepas kan ikan tu dr upan..bley hold amik picture lagi tu. Ada lah dlm 4 posed yg berlainan..haha..and si Carmen pon sama gak! Its gonna be a PROVED to everybody that we girls pon bley memancing la weii....huhu.

NI le ikan aku dpt..but a bit takot nak kluar kan ikan from upan;)
2nd time pon still dpt ikan talaphia....3rd time pon sama...but lain size la. Masok kali ke-4...Meg yg pancing! still dpt ikan yg sama..dia nyer x puas ati..siap tukar upan dr cacing ke some healthy upan for the fish..but it smells bau tahi kuda pon ader weii...blueekkss! cite dia cam ni..mamat ni yo yo le buat upan yg konon nak dpt ikan besor le....ok le..tunggu punya tunggu..mmg x der langsung le ikan melekat kat umpan dia.hahahaha..well good try meg..but pls pls...try harder k!hehe

Well...i can say that such a PRODUCTIVE holiday i had so far!! yay!! have lots of fun and i'm really glad=)

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