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Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm Back~~!!

OMG! i've been missing to blog about whats happening in my life over this 2 weeks!!! workload as usual la just crazy...but this time EXTRA GILEEEE kot!! u know..Alhamdulillah my ministry campaign, My3L- Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat, is all DONE and PASSED! Now working on the 2nd phase of media Plan. Secara jujur nya...working in media world of course everything is so happening and enjoyful in the eyes of everyone. The fact is, we dealing with some psychological, emotions and psychical in order for people to get what the whole message been spoken to them. Well, this is not my 1st time doing it but...the fact that i'm OFFICIALLY A SELF-EMPLOYED in servicing my kinda client and and proceed on what my  mission is..somehow half way out of sudden 'GIVE UP syndrome' appeared in my head. oH noOo! thats not me...i swear that not my kiinda attitude to give on something hat i love to do and pursue to a greater heights...(still dream on getting my GOAL) haha...

Penat? Tired? restless? no mood? perli? those kinda things arises through the campaign project. Rite from client servicing, to dealing wt media owners, up to doing creative..i got it all KAWTIM we my own self. Thanks to those who really went thro with me and stay strong together. Seriously i LEARNED a lot in the journey of making one project successful. ...terlalu byk tuk diperkatakan.

The worst scenario is that i'm a lil bit bengang wt client (as usual la in servicing line)...client always make changes at the very last minute. And on our part , the middle person for media owner and client..we gotta get the communication fast and delivered pretty well.. MY GOSH!! to get to a rite COMMUNICATION is really freaking hard!!! thank God, i always be the one who almost everytime pon be a middle person for some issues. So, when client send me email saying wanna amend something i gotta forward the email to my designer for 100times!!! siapa yg x sakit hati kan....benda bley je bgtau nk kluar paper esok, datelline dah tamat a day ago still nk tukar itu ini!! aishhh!!! then.....i wanted to forward this kinda amendment email from client to designer but i actually replying to my client back!!!! MADNESS~ FREAKOUT!! *My world is so DARK* why?? i actually said.....something that expressed my inner feeling which 100% full of anger to my designer but actually it went to my own client! WuaaaaaAa~~ serious mata dh berair nk nangis takot client think negative bout my anger statement. lol

at this particular moment i believes one thing... 'HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY'....i came clean with my client said that the media owner is chasing us for materials and i really hope client side would be much more co-operative in making things slightly easier for all us. ^_^' tadaaaa~~ things get even better after that..Alhamdulillah sgt.hehe... and yeah....klo kite rasa kite x salah...we have to just stand up front..Berani kerana Benar ye. huhu.

oh LR lil Notebook, there are so many things i would like to tell to u..and others. this 2 freaking weeks really tot me to know more about life, people and surrounding. I LOVE what i've been a bit of mengomel sana mengomel sini...but after all its ALL FUN TO THE MAX!!! alhamdulillah..more job coming in...(thats the best part) ..ehem* al-maklum...i'm standing on my 2 feet, working my ass out and yes...built up my own COMPANY/EMPAYAR~ hukhuk....insyAllah~ hehe. doain aja ya ....*i love my Job*

tadaaaaa~~ this is the post Ad that soon gonna be on Mingguan Malaysia this 30th Sept 2012. Check it out peopleee~ hehe ^_^' 

peace! xx 

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