yesterday was a good day despite that i got to see and join my close fwen's birthday celebration. its been awhile for me to speading time with my close fwens. all the updates seems to be lost half way through my super bz life. when i see all of them yesterday, i know deep in my heart they all still play a big role in my life. faces that went thro ups and down together back in my uni life......seriously is was sooooooooo good seeing them,laughing iver sumthing that wasn't funny and yes.....welcome and gotta know new people.
Despite my warm and happy feeling, there sumthing bothering me...i know when it comes to this kind of gathering or celebration with my fwen's family its gonna be such hustle...this is and her brother happen to fall in love with each other....gosh! It supposed to be easy and fun but.....yesh i truly understand ....when it comes about family things will get slightly sensetive and touching. i'm truly aware about it...
so there goes me handling the situation all alone...well knowing myself pretty well, after all the life experience i went through i'll take it as another challenge in me. Ya Allah, seriously how i wish the person who i'm falling in love with can be beside me and face this situation every bit of my praying, i always include this lil pray for me and him to be in such a good way and will trust each other when others dont...
there goes the 1st meet up, unofficially, wt his doubt i can say its just another small introduction to the family. well, seems like the siblings know me but not the parents.What bother me is the intoducing part not done by my man...hmm..this is so not rite. but is too short to think bout whats others thinking bout one selves.
what happen i take it as warning sign towards me...oh no.. this is not a BULLSHIT kinda sign okay!~ this is what my life which i supposed to deal in the future...ahaks!~ insyAllah...i believes God in the middle clearing our path ^_^'
I know exactly the person that I am and I am VERY PROUD of who the person is. In another words..I'm the anti-gossip girl!I never stop finding My true LOVE! and Always look at the bright side. Live and stand strongly as a lady that believes in being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that i've decided to look beyond the imperfections...
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
mybaby frosty on high fever
here goes the story of my baby frosty.....guess what he have been my rainbow sunshine for the past 1 year plus. woww....let me repeat back...1 YEAR PLUS! Isn't that awesome..that means me and my love ones have been for about a year B-) well actually my life so far been so blessed with beautiful things and wonderful people surround me...frosty is one of them.
what would u feel when someone that really close to u felt sick? The one u always play with...story to tell how unsatisified about people and works...a place to just express your inner emotions and pretty much as a subject matter for your own photography satisaction, in another words that creature is soooooo bloody CUTE which can make your anger turn to peace, hot water u can just drink it at once just like drinking a cold water, hatreats change into love, negative turns to positive....and...that FROSTY is my 1YEAR PLUS WHITE PERSIAN CAT....
yes!After a year he been agressive and super dooper active under the care of Roos's family,today i sadly announce that he been admitted to St. Angel, Pucong
Monday, September 19, 2011
a sincere note that come within my heart...
Dear Amal,
Firstly i would like to seek for apology if this kinda note somehow bothering you so much. Sorry for the thousand times.. I x sure kalu this email lead us to somewhere beyond our happiness or it will totally put a fullstop between both of us. I just don’t know... you are rite and i agreed with you that i think for about a year dah we been spending time together..all the laughter, quarrel and sometimes a lil fight here and there not forgetting a ‘silent moment’ and a ‘break up’. Yes...we both been facing it those things together. Thus, by right we both should have agree or noted in a sense of mutual understanding. Guess what, look at the bigger picture...we are just one year and if we were to be together, this will happen in getting ourselves to a level of happiness being as ONE~ i still and always have the feeling of what had happen somehow return with a rainbow to me and hope that rainbow can be shine on your life as well. I know you always said that i’m way toooo positive minded...if u happen to see or to discover...that is y u were there to make it me natural.
I’ve been thinking all nite long, We shouldn't identify each other mistakes nut to come out with solutions instead.. rather than addressing our flaws~ because i believes if we are in a relationship with someone we truly love, the moment when we see the potential of love between us..That is the moments when kite ley accept each other positive and negative ways of lives.....don’t u think so? To myself, i pernah spend time with you bkn semata-mata i nak rasa happy keluar berdua2, being wt u for a wt u..its always beyond that...When the time i spend with u..i nak get into yalife..nak tau u camne...cara u re-act with people ..wt surrounding, timing u makan and minum, how u deal with ya works and the most is how much u appreciate being wt me...or the other way round. I observed benda tu smua...and think wisely on most things between u said..u wouldn’t bother if i’m not someone to u.. its da same with me..i would’t bother to spend my time wt you if i rasa u just a waste of my fact i always make time for u if u only knew la.......
Looks like u made an optional point on our chat last nite saying if i can’t follow u, i should LEAVE could i possibly do that??unless when i see the signs and everything starts to change....u become heartless towards me...less communications....less our lovey bubbly chat...less attention..less caring...less and everything less.......that is the moment i’m highly weak & couldn’t do much..I redha~ with God wills..insyAllah i’m strong to face it~ I believes Allah just merely cleaning the path for something better between us...
If you are ready to talk, like i said....take me to the point of your understanding..insyAllah i can manage. Meanwhile..let us both think what is the best next step. You take care and have a safe journey wt family to Singapore.
Your one truly love,
I emailed this letter to him after we had quite a massive misunderstanding between us. As usual la, no couples doesn't escape from quarrel and stuffs. But bottom line of us just have to know how to control all the bad emotions that runs through their vain! I spent my day the next day by myself...went out to Chawan,Bangsar brought along an inspirational book ordered a hot jasmine tea and enjoy my truthful moment. Guess what, the feeling of what my other half is doing will always there..seriously i couldn't dent there in me and uhh...i just donno what to do......then i text Dura if she wanna come over and hang round wt me..maybe i just need to talk to someone who i can trust at that particular time(knowing that i barelt trust people except my arwah shakira)~
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Raya 2011
Its been a while i didn't happen to write down on my life journal. Gosh! such a hectic schedules i have right now. Ever since i lost my gooooood friend, arwah Shakirah Hani, i try to put back my focus on a normal daily life circle. We both are too attached bout few months before Allah took her from her family and her closest friend. It took me for awhile..bout 2 3 weeks to adjust things back to normal as normal as it is before. And yeah..time to express my words and feelings thro this lil e-note book of mine~ My Ramadhan Alhamdulillah i filled it with such a well manner behavior where i welcome almost everything goods to me. Alhamdulillah.
Raya comes with peace to me and i can feel the whole lots different this very year. Perhaps, i gotta celebrate raya with a lil more joy knowing there is someone i love indeed who is my own Boyfriend. such awkward things to find that i've changed slowly to someone good...i mean...not to say that i'm a bad person..somehow there a bad behavior/characters in me slowly fade away. and i donno how does it happen..its shows that THE LOVE FACTOR really works now for me. hmm....Alhamdulillah...for that. My prayers slowly been answered by Allah swt.
Person who are really important and will be there for me at the most everything that i do in this entire world...
Raya comes with peace to me and i can feel the whole lots different this very year. Perhaps, i gotta celebrate raya with a lil more joy knowing there is someone i love indeed who is my own Boyfriend. such awkward things to find that i've changed slowly to someone good...i mean...not to say that i'm a bad person..somehow there a bad behavior/characters in me slowly fade away. and i donno how does it happen..its shows that THE LOVE FACTOR really works now for me. hmm....Alhamdulillah...for that. My prayers slowly been answered by Allah swt.
Person who are really important and will be there for me at the most everything that i do in this entire world...
Straight face guy- but i Love him.....hee..
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
disaat ku ingin mencari coretan kisah pelangiku
Tiada sedikit keburukkan yg dijadikan oleh Tuhan untuk manusia.Begitu indahnya hidup sekiranya manusia mengenal dan mengerti makna kehidupan.Inilah titik tolak perjalanan manusia.Ada yg baik dan yg buruk.Kedua2nya mencapai keseimbangan hubungan antara manusia dan alam.Begitu juga hubungan manusia dan Tuhan..Pada lelaki dan perempuan tiada ertinya hubungan kasih itu terjalin tanpa mengetahui isi diri.Yang dilihat hanya keindahan Luaran bukannya dalaman.Ramai menyalah ertikan sayang,cinta dan kasih.Dimana letaknya tingkat perasaan???mana yg dicari???mana yg dipegang???letaknya harga diri hawa kerana adam...letaknya adam disisi Tuhan.
Ya ALlah, tunjukkanlah bagi ku, umat Mu yang lemah ini kejalan yang lebih di rahmatiMu..sesungguhnya Engkaulah tempat aku memohon dan berpegang teguh dan kepada Mu jualah ku berserah segalanya. amin~
Ya ALlah, tunjukkanlah bagi ku, umat Mu yang lemah ini kejalan yang lebih di rahmatiMu..sesungguhnya Engkaulah tempat aku memohon dan berpegang teguh dan kepada Mu jualah ku berserah segalanya. amin~
Saturday, July 30, 2011
the proud 26th lionist! RoaaRR!~
I honestly didn’t think much about my birthday this year, really. I was just trying to direct my positive energy into demanding birthday celebration with my family instead. I must say that’s a pretty tall order, the fact that I was never had a chance to celebrate my birthdays with close friends and bf at the same time before, but because either i was single or i just faced a broken heart again and again which it always happen rite before my birthday..hmm...I just had to “suck that up”!
I just turned 26. The creative Lionist me, is really not big on birthdays. In fact, I went for a short gateway with Mom before just to get rid with my personal problems, where i guess its just hard for people to know and for me to figure it out. I believed my mom knows what I've been facing lately, so I asked her for me to tag along wt her on her business trip to Pakistan.
During that time, I kept away talking much with people...not to my friends or my lovely bf. I think i just need to spend my time alone..rethink bout what i've missed and how to over come strange feelings which i'm having in me lately..Alhamdulillah, 3 days away from my country and found a lil peace in me. And that lil peace have change me to more wiser 26 years old Linda. I did texting my dearest ever friend,Dura, as i'm looking forward to attend Ica babyshower. At the same time, she mentioned would like to celebrate my birthday as well and bear Von Bonyage! I find it pretty cool and glad to come back home wt something awaits me.
Back from Pakistan/India dura told me to bring My lovely bf to the dinner in celebrating my birthday.hmm....even thou its really hard for me as i know the reaction of my bf, glad that i did it and smoothly hide that such feeling i had without anyone can sense it... I was stunned. It was such a well-organised, least-expected birthday surprise! (Although what i'm looking at is meet up wt my fwens that i grew up together with..oh! it was truly fun!!!)
I was and still happy when ever i think of all that i've been thro wt all of them...
Thank you dura, shaqila, ica, and all! I’m so lucky to have great friends like you all. Not forgetting my dearest Amal...thx for being there. :) God bless u all with successful stories;)
I just turned 26. The creative Lionist me, is really not big on birthdays. In fact, I went for a short gateway with Mom before just to get rid with my personal problems, where i guess its just hard for people to know and for me to figure it out. I believed my mom knows what I've been facing lately, so I asked her for me to tag along wt her on her business trip to Pakistan.
During that time, I kept away talking much with people...not to my friends or my lovely bf. I think i just need to spend my time alone..rethink bout what i've missed and how to over come strange feelings which i'm having in me lately..Alhamdulillah, 3 days away from my country and found a lil peace in me. And that lil peace have change me to more wiser 26 years old Linda. I did texting my dearest ever friend,Dura, as i'm looking forward to attend Ica babyshower. At the same time, she mentioned would like to celebrate my birthday as well and bear Von Bonyage! I find it pretty cool and glad to come back home wt something awaits me.
Back from Pakistan/India dura told me to bring My lovely bf to the dinner in celebrating my birthday.hmm....even thou its really hard for me as i know the reaction of my bf, glad that i did it and smoothly hide that such feeling i had without anyone can sense it... I was stunned. It was such a well-organised, least-expected birthday surprise! (Although what i'm looking at is meet up wt my fwens that i grew up together with..oh! it was truly fun!!!)
I was and still happy when ever i think of all that i've been thro wt all of them...
Thank you dura, shaqila, ica, and all! I’m so lucky to have great friends like you all. Not forgetting my dearest Amal...thx for being there. :) God bless u all with successful stories;)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Another 19 days to go to my 26th birthday!!! pheww! what a year......
Other things which would be nice: a Thomas Sabo Charm bracelet; a rhinestone bra from la senza(shimmering ta-tas, ahoy!); my all time favorite gadget Ipad2; a night in with fairy lights & kisses; lots of cute colourful knickers; Regan from MAC Flatiron to be my personal make-up artist; good black ink pens; a beautiful apartment somewhere far from the city and over view of beautiful ocean; a fabulous birthday party with my friends or a romantic dine wt my lovely munchkin; peace on earth! Wink wink ;)
P.S. Here’s my wishlist from last last last year!
Linda Roos
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Being a good girlfriend is a excellent art
I just died a little and it is in a bad not good at this particular time :( same shitz but different day. I know being in love there are ups and down. How i wish those circumstances comes in different looks like pratically the same things i'll be facing before. Am i really really really not a good girlfriend? Honestly, i low down myself to a certain levels which somehow i think 'this isn't me' !i know i can be a lil tooo bubbly and very loud in expressing my words and emotion, and cos of that i it a crime to do so in relationship policy?? oh there such things as RELATIONSHIP POLICY? excuse me...i dont aware about it...
what i know and i look up for is LOVE COMES NATURULLY after lovers finally meet thier level of understanding and somehow leads to unexpected RESPECT! I donno where i can turn to when this issues of relationship arise between me and my other half....seriously i just donno... T_T....Sometimes i keep wondering am i not being a girl up to what he expected? or not even close to his dream girl ? How could i be that girl....? question that i cant even figure out the answer on my own......maybe i just let time decide for the truly answer...
This might be a lil bit to cliche or probably funny....i just dont wanna feel down too long after what i faced, so i decided to google some tips on Being a good girlfriend.haha
Suggestion on how to be a good girlfriend
1: Be real honest: Whereas self honest to you are helper, it is equally vital that you be honest to yourself and yes, in a grown-up relationship, honesty is the most excellent policy, as long as you are important other too is honest to himself and we all know it is pretty difficult to expect from anyone. (oh no! i'm lack of this value in me....but as far as i'm concern im still and always be honest to the one that i love and care)
2: Have a optimistic attitude: If all you say about him is a censure or an attack, he will not look onward to seeing you remember people don't want you to be honest with their inadequacy's. It is a improved plan in mature relationships. Be unprompted, but be careful in your impulsiveness.Be happy. (hmm..i can say, this is my narually born attitude)
3: Communicate regularly: Do not talk his ear off, he doesn't need your opinion, if he did he would read a book or something he respects. However, make positive that if you have any difficulty that will have an effect on your mood, he is made aware of the reasons for your problems. so that you do not come into view to just be a indecisive and bad-tempered creature. But if you have big problems, keep it to yourself, because then it may look like you are talking his ear off. (i communicating too much i guess >_< such a troublesome)
4: Build your desires, needs, and opinions: Still when they might disagreement with his. If they do, build certain that you should desist from talking too a great deal concerning them. You decision and needs definitely help you.
5: Be reliable: Such as being truthful first, then being diplomatic next. Such as having the desire to converse issues first, then shutting the torture up. If you want to be reliable, make sure it's well-matched with his/her desires. If you are reliably annoying, they won't have none of that.
6: Be patient: Please don't mechanically think he did not hear you when you said something. May be he was worried with not listening to you. Don't jump to end and don't be bitchy about being ignored all the time. Remember, they may be trying to be reliable with their egocentricism. ( this is another value that i'm lacking in....probably close fwens and love ones know about it but yeah of course i'm trying takes two to tango,thou)
7: Take an interest in his interests: Take an interest in his disinterests too. He may be disinterested in what you like, so at smallest amount try to understand why he is not interested respect it like the relationship saving, selfless person you are. ( he love music and obviously his super hawt guitar.....and yeah...i'm lovin it tooOo just that i dont hv any talent to do so:( but i can DANCE pretty amazing..ahaks!)
and.....................i did took a quiz on 'ARE YOU A GOOD GIRLFRIEND?' and the aswer is what i expected..tadaaaa.....
You are a Great Girlfriend !
When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtfulBut you also haven't stopped thinking of yourselfYou're the perfect blend of independent and caringYou're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! ( i hope my bf realize this indeed) ^_^'
Last word from the bottom of my innocent heart....
Once me and my guy became exclusive and offcial, I will instituted a "hands off" policy for all the guys i know and that! thats my Vow ;)
what i know and i look up for is LOVE COMES NATURULLY after lovers finally meet thier level of understanding and somehow leads to unexpected RESPECT! I donno where i can turn to when this issues of relationship arise between me and my other half....seriously i just donno... T_T....Sometimes i keep wondering am i not being a girl up to what he expected? or not even close to his dream girl ? How could i be that girl....? question that i cant even figure out the answer on my own......maybe i just let time decide for the truly answer...
This might be a lil bit to cliche or probably funny....i just dont wanna feel down too long after what i faced, so i decided to google some tips on Being a good girlfriend.haha
Suggestion on how to be a good girlfriend
1: Be real honest: Whereas self honest to you are helper, it is equally vital that you be honest to yourself and yes, in a grown-up relationship, honesty is the most excellent policy, as long as you are important other too is honest to himself and we all know it is pretty difficult to expect from anyone. (oh no! i'm lack of this value in me....but as far as i'm concern im still and always be honest to the one that i love and care)
2: Have a optimistic attitude: If all you say about him is a censure or an attack, he will not look onward to seeing you remember people don't want you to be honest with their inadequacy's. It is a improved plan in mature relationships. Be unprompted, but be careful in your impulsiveness.Be happy. (hmm..i can say, this is my narually born attitude)
3: Communicate regularly: Do not talk his ear off, he doesn't need your opinion, if he did he would read a book or something he respects. However, make positive that if you have any difficulty that will have an effect on your mood, he is made aware of the reasons for your problems. so that you do not come into view to just be a indecisive and bad-tempered creature. But if you have big problems, keep it to yourself, because then it may look like you are talking his ear off. (i communicating too much i guess >_< such a troublesome)
4: Build your desires, needs, and opinions: Still when they might disagreement with his. If they do, build certain that you should desist from talking too a great deal concerning them. You decision and needs definitely help you.
5: Be reliable: Such as being truthful first, then being diplomatic next. Such as having the desire to converse issues first, then shutting the torture up. If you want to be reliable, make sure it's well-matched with his/her desires. If you are reliably annoying, they won't have none of that.
6: Be patient: Please don't mechanically think he did not hear you when you said something. May be he was worried with not listening to you. Don't jump to end and don't be bitchy about being ignored all the time. Remember, they may be trying to be reliable with their egocentricism. ( this is another value that i'm lacking in....probably close fwens and love ones know about it but yeah of course i'm trying takes two to tango,thou)
7: Take an interest in his interests: Take an interest in his disinterests too. He may be disinterested in what you like, so at smallest amount try to understand why he is not interested respect it like the relationship saving, selfless person you are. ( he love music and obviously his super hawt guitar.....and yeah...i'm lovin it tooOo just that i dont hv any talent to do so:( but i can DANCE pretty amazing..ahaks!)
and.....................i did took a quiz on 'ARE YOU A GOOD GIRLFRIEND?' and the aswer is what i expected..tadaaaa.....
You are a Great Girlfriend !
When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtfulBut you also haven't stopped thinking of yourselfYou're the perfect blend of independent and caringYou're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! ( i hope my bf realize this indeed) ^_^'
Last word from the bottom of my innocent heart....
Once me and my guy became exclusive and offcial, I will instituted a "hands off" policy for all the guys i know and that! thats my Vow ;)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Finally he is back to Malaysia...lets go and meet him:)
Incubus Live Concert in KL/Kuala Lumpur 2011 - These Californian boys are back again for the third concert in Kuala Lumpur and performing at the Stadium Negara on the 23rd July. The band first performed here in Malaysia in 2004 to a 8000 strong crowd while their second visit to KL was in 2008 at the Sunburst Festival so you can expect a super show this time around.
Incubus also features pioneer members Brandon Boyd, Jose Pasillas, Mike Einziger Ben Kennedy and deejay Chris Kilmore. They have been around for two decades so this year, they will be celebrating their 20th anniversary on tour. For the Incubus KL Tour, Malaysians will be one of the first to hear live materials of the bands new studio album titled 'If Not No, When?' which is expected to be released on July 12.
Incubus Live in KL 2011
Date: 23rd July 2011 (Sat)
Venue: Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur
Time: 8.00 PM
Brought to you by Pineapple Concerts
Visit the Incubus Live in KL Facebook Page
Incubus Concert Ticket Prices
Normal Tickets: RM203 (Available 23rd May onwards for public booking)
Tune Talk Subscribers: RM183 (12th - 22nd May -You need to register with TuneTalk)
There are only one type of tickets for this concert so make sure you are there early to get the best spots.
*main picture courtesy of TuneTalk
Where to buy Incubus Live in KL Concert Tickets?
AirAsia Redtix.Com
AirAsia RedTix Outlets
Contact the Ticketing Hotline at: +603 8775 4666
Online Ticket Selling closes on 22nd July
**p/s: My long lost boyfriend is the handsome Brandon Boyd. xoxo
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Surrendered in Assunta Hospital....again...
Today, my life is decidedly different. I feel like i've been reborn for the 3rd time. Quite an experience to me to went through some minor operation on my colons. It all started 2 weeks ago..well..its been few years back but i didn't even make it has a big deal for me. I always take things for granted but this time around i told mama about some complexity i went through when i pass my motion out for the pass 2 weeks. I had an internal bleeding....
As usual, mama was the one who eagerly drag me to see My own Personal Specialist. Told her to bring me to a clinic but i end up in the hospital. Oh God! on my mind, I always have the pass images of myself when i got surrendered at Assunta hospital. So, there I was, got admitted at the same floor but a few rooms away from my previous one.
After made a quick check ups on me, My doctor told me he will give me some medicine for a night and I gotta go for a minor surgery the next day. The nurse push me on the wheel chair towards Wad Fatimah room num 5105. I got a single room all by myself again...Mama just accompany me for a while and then she went back home....
Nothing much i can say being alone in the hospital room. I guess hospital is my second home. I dont know that i'm the only one among my siblings who always go in and out from hospital. Guess i'm not the lucky one....But to think back, who am i to complain about such things. Its faith that God gimme me to be this way and all i can do is to thank Him for what been planned in my Life journey...Being thankful wasnt that hard for me as i've been through more worst that ever before...sigh*
Well, to conclude on why am i've been admitted it is because i've piles stuck inside my colons. According to Doctor, he cant chop off the piles yet and gotta put a rubber band on it just to make my pass motion run smoothly without any bleeding . That i guess one of key solving for my case. He added, the piles couldn't be chop off yet till i get my 1st child or so on...well as long as i can breathe i'm all good and happy:)
As usual, mama was the one who eagerly drag me to see My own Personal Specialist. Told her to bring me to a clinic but i end up in the hospital. Oh God! on my mind, I always have the pass images of myself when i got surrendered at Assunta hospital. So, there I was, got admitted at the same floor but a few rooms away from my previous one.
After made a quick check ups on me, My doctor told me he will give me some medicine for a night and I gotta go for a minor surgery the next day. The nurse push me on the wheel chair towards Wad Fatimah room num 5105. I got a single room all by myself again...Mama just accompany me for a while and then she went back home....
Nothing much i can say being alone in the hospital room. I guess hospital is my second home. I dont know that i'm the only one among my siblings who always go in and out from hospital. Guess i'm not the lucky one....But to think back, who am i to complain about such things. Its faith that God gimme me to be this way and all i can do is to thank Him for what been planned in my Life journey...Being thankful wasnt that hard for me as i've been through more worst that ever before...sigh*
This is what i do to fill in my free and boring time at hospital....doodles and drawings:p
Well, to conclude on why am i've been admitted it is because i've piles stuck inside my colons. According to Doctor, he cant chop off the piles yet and gotta put a rubber band on it just to make my pass motion run smoothly without any bleeding . That i guess one of key solving for my case. He added, the piles couldn't be chop off yet till i get my 1st child or so on...well as long as i can breathe i'm all good and happy:)
Nervous before the operation team came and brought me to Operation Theater(OT)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Unconditional Love...someday...maybe...
The best thing about being in a relationship is to feel loved and needed and importantly, being complete. There's purpose in life. If you ever notice, people who isn't in a relationship most of the time they made themselves busy with their hobby or work. If, not, they'll be staying all alone. Do you want to come back to an empty place? Having a pet is just another substitute. Love is important to everyone. It keeps you alive. When you don't have that love inside of you, you're a robot.
Love can be a disaster too. Depends on how you show the love. Don't be obsessed or possessive. That's not love. Jealous? it's good to feel it but just don't let it control you.
Nowadays, I've observed my loved ones relationships, including mine. Our generation do not understand the meaning of real love. What is real love?
For me, I've observed my parents unconditionally love. They love each other no matter what their flaws are like. They stick through ups and downs. For better and worse, til death do them part. That's true love. They commit with each there irregardlessly how bad either one's condition and characteristic
For example, my mother is one of the most patience lady I've came to know. How she deal with my hot tempered father til the end of his last breath. They managed to celebrated their 25th anniversary before he passed away on October 16th...right after me and my mother went home after a long wait seeing father lying on the hospital bed.
During the past few weeks before my dad critically comma, he has admitted what he has done wrong to her and to tell her, she's the best mother to his kids and a sincere wife that he has married to. To be patient with him, to take care of him day and night while he was sick, to bath him when he can't walk (seriously sick about for a month), to give birth to me. Even when there were other women came by an offered to be his another wife, he truly declined. He doesn't want to make those mistakes as he did in the past. He also reminded my mom not to remarried as in our religious, the last wife will be the fairy that'll accompany him on the other side.
My mother is a very strong woman. I only see her shed tears once, at my dad's grave during first day of raya. All she said, he's happier there. When I asked her, don't you ever miss him? All she answered, "I pray for him everyday.." and that's enough.
I'd like to have that love. The love that my parents had. Someday..
Love can be a disaster too. Depends on how you show the love. Don't be obsessed or possessive. That's not love. Jealous? it's good to feel it but just don't let it control you.
Nowadays, I've observed my loved ones relationships, including mine. Our generation do not understand the meaning of real love. What is real love?
For me, I've observed my parents unconditionally love. They love each other no matter what their flaws are like. They stick through ups and downs. For better and worse, til death do them part. That's true love. They commit with each there irregardlessly how bad either one's condition and characteristic
For example, my mother is one of the most patience lady I've came to know. How she deal with my hot tempered father til the end of his last breath. They managed to celebrated their 25th anniversary before he passed away on October 16th...right after me and my mother went home after a long wait seeing father lying on the hospital bed.
During the past few weeks before my dad critically comma, he has admitted what he has done wrong to her and to tell her, she's the best mother to his kids and a sincere wife that he has married to. To be patient with him, to take care of him day and night while he was sick, to bath him when he can't walk (seriously sick about for a month), to give birth to me. Even when there were other women came by an offered to be his another wife, he truly declined. He doesn't want to make those mistakes as he did in the past. He also reminded my mom not to remarried as in our religious, the last wife will be the fairy that'll accompany him on the other side.
My mother is a very strong woman. I only see her shed tears once, at my dad's grave during first day of raya. All she said, he's happier there. When I asked her, don't you ever miss him? All she answered, "I pray for him everyday.." and that's enough.
I'd like to have that love. The love that my parents had. Someday..
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
motherly egOis
Someday i'm thinking... I can’t either.
As i look at my sister, someday, the crushing weight of my being a mother sits on me like sleep paralysis, waiting for me to move, almost daring me to. It wags it’s finger in my face, telling me I’m a bad mother, an ungrateful mother, because I cannot keep up with my own children sometimes, because I pretend when my husband and I are out alone that we ARE alone, that no one waits for us at home, ready to cover us in wet kisses and sticky fingers.
It’s the responsibility that gets to me-the knowledge that forever, I am connected to these creatures-I can never leave them, not truly. They will always be a part of me. Their toes will forever be the toes that kicked me in the ribs.
But somedays it’s the drudgery, it’s getting up and feeding them, convincing clothes onto them, sitting with them, then working all day, arriving home in time to listen to them scream about not wanting to go to bed. Those days get to me. Those days test me, because they test my love for them, they test the bounds of my patience and temper. On those days, the bad mommy sometimes gets to come out and play for a bit.
I have been tempted in the past, to throw up my hands, and walk away from it. From all of it. Times when it’s gotten so hard, too hard, worse than I ever imagined, I wanted to walk down the road, climb up onto the highway, and begone. Never to be seen again. I thought it, many times.
But in my eyes, in my heart, I couldn’t do it, I never would. I could never walk out that door and not come back. Because being a mother isnot just a test-it’s a battle. Sometimes it’s lovely and gentle, other days, it’s bloody and loud and frightful. Somedays I don’t like it at all.
But somedays are so fragile and simple, I want to place them under glass so they never disappear. I draw on those days, to get me through the wrong ones.
I can say my sister is a good example. She just scolded me just to protect her lil ones. Even though, the course of wrong doing its absolutely from her lil princess where everyone seems to put much love to her...even myself did. But look at the bigger picture, children wouldn't learn something if her/his mom keep on say yes to everything and blame others for her child fault.
It is hard for to be in my sister shoes right now. She is a good daughter, a great sister and the only example for me to adapt into a women's world as she is my only sister but...for me she's not yet close to a perfect mother. She being too protective over her daughter that sometimes tend to ignore people feelings. I mean..for God sake, look at the bright side my dear sister...its ok to let your children falls at once for them to know how to climb and reach for what they want. Falling is the step to make us a strong person. Its is good if we expose our kids with this kind of education/experience cos they will be such a fast learner in the days to come.
Sister, you are totally different from me even though we came from a same mother and father. Let yourself loose a lil bit and surely everything will be just fine. I know, everybody will go through faces in life...its a matter of how we go through it and how we cherish every moment. And for real, i couldn't even wait for my time to become like what you have rite now......a family with husband and children of your own.....
As i look at my sister, someday, the crushing weight of my being a mother sits on me like sleep paralysis, waiting for me to move, almost daring me to. It wags it’s finger in my face, telling me I’m a bad mother, an ungrateful mother, because I cannot keep up with my own children sometimes, because I pretend when my husband and I are out alone that we ARE alone, that no one waits for us at home, ready to cover us in wet kisses and sticky fingers.
It’s the responsibility that gets to me-the knowledge that forever, I am connected to these creatures-I can never leave them, not truly. They will always be a part of me. Their toes will forever be the toes that kicked me in the ribs.
But somedays it’s the drudgery, it’s getting up and feeding them, convincing clothes onto them, sitting with them, then working all day, arriving home in time to listen to them scream about not wanting to go to bed. Those days get to me. Those days test me, because they test my love for them, they test the bounds of my patience and temper. On those days, the bad mommy sometimes gets to come out and play for a bit.
I have been tempted in the past, to throw up my hands, and walk away from it. From all of it. Times when it’s gotten so hard, too hard, worse than I ever imagined, I wanted to walk down the road, climb up onto the highway, and begone. Never to be seen again. I thought it, many times.
But in my eyes, in my heart, I couldn’t do it, I never would. I could never walk out that door and not come back. Because being a mother isnot just a test-it’s a battle. Sometimes it’s lovely and gentle, other days, it’s bloody and loud and frightful. Somedays I don’t like it at all.
But somedays are so fragile and simple, I want to place them under glass so they never disappear. I draw on those days, to get me through the wrong ones.
I can say my sister is a good example. She just scolded me just to protect her lil ones. Even though, the course of wrong doing its absolutely from her lil princess where everyone seems to put much love to her...even myself did. But look at the bigger picture, children wouldn't learn something if her/his mom keep on say yes to everything and blame others for her child fault.
It is hard for to be in my sister shoes right now. She is a good daughter, a great sister and the only example for me to adapt into a women's world as she is my only sister but...for me she's not yet close to a perfect mother. She being too protective over her daughter that sometimes tend to ignore people feelings. I mean..for God sake, look at the bright side my dear sister...its ok to let your children falls at once for them to know how to climb and reach for what they want. Falling is the step to make us a strong person. Its is good if we expose our kids with this kind of education/experience cos they will be such a fast learner in the days to come.
Sister, you are totally different from me even though we came from a same mother and father. Let yourself loose a lil bit and surely everything will be just fine. I know, everybody will go through faces in life...its a matter of how we go through it and how we cherish every moment. And for real, i couldn't even wait for my time to become like what you have rite now......a family with husband and children of your own.....
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
my alter ego speak..
I’m taking a little step back. Fucking look at myself. I”m a human. I’m strong. I’m so strong to survive and can be anything. I can be everything. I do not hate every guys because of a lousy guy broke my fragile heart, or cos a best friend betrayed me, my parents compare me with my other siblings, the bitch down the street called me liar, ugly, stupid, kiss ass, worthless. I do not concern myself with things i cannot control. Cry when I need to then let go when its time. I don’t hang onto painful memories just cos im afraid to forget and definitely will let go easily of things that are in the past and forget things that aren’t worth remembering. I will stop taking things for granted and start live for something better. Live for myself...each day praying to Almighty God to create and give a room to my lil heart to fall in love back again like i did before. Clear my mind not to fall out of love and keep on believes in it until I realise the beauty of loving someone.
Create, imagine,inspire,share something wonderful each day just to make someone’s day and at the end of it I might get develop a lil happiness in myself. So, I would live my life to its full potential~ Just live, dammit! I will let go of all of the horrible things in my life and fucking live. And one day, when I’m old accompany by my lovely cat, looking back to all the years i went through..i will never ever feel regrets.
Create, imagine,inspire,share something wonderful each day just to make someone’s day and at the end of it I might get develop a lil happiness in myself. So, I would live my life to its full potential~ Just live, dammit! I will let go of all of the horrible things in my life and fucking live. And one day, when I’m old accompany by my lovely cat, looking back to all the years i went through..i will never ever feel regrets.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Future Me....
Dear Future Me,
I hope you are doing well in tour amazing world now. I wonder what you are going through at this point on time in your life, but i'm pretty sure the life we're currently living is all that you dreamt and imagine it to be.
I hope you are doing well in tour amazing world now. I wonder what you are going through at this point on time in your life, but i'm pretty sure the life we're currently living is all that you dreamt and imagine it to be.
Have you saved enough to get ya own place?Did you finally bring your family to a wonderful holiday that you been dreaming of before you get married? Do you now run ya own business together with your husband and have a nice room of ya own with a pretty window view? Have you FINALLY settle down with the man of your dreams? or probably you are happily married with cute twins to your current boyfriend. How the twins look like? just as cute as you are or so good looking like your husband? Dreams and aspirations aside. I honestly hope you have moved far from where we are now. But I do know that i want to remind you of some things you may forgotten...
- remember getting your heart broken by your first ever love, thinking you'll never recover? remember the many milestones you went on to achieve just so that you can prove you'll bounce back much better than before?
- remember the exhilaration and liberation of getting your 1st car with the help of Mama for down payment and then you gotta work hard to pay the car monthly with your own money?
- Remember the fear and anxiety when you decided to leave your 1st job and your amazing team mates?
- well i dont know if we have a family now with amazingly cute babies or if you are enjoying the single life after all you been through, the hurts,the fun and the tears.
I do know that no matter where you are now, you would have remained true to yourself. I hope and always forget you'll never forget who you are and the values you hold that make you who you are today.
Mostly I really hope you will keep on laughing uninhibitedly, give unsparingly and love unconditionally as i believes that you are a sweet happy-go-lucky girl.
p/s: current bf send regards to you...hope when you look to ya right where you can see ya husband at his fav sofa reading newspaper, it is still the same guy we use to know and love..... :)
Your Younger-you,
Linda Roos
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Blue Sky Outdoor: Mabul Island, Sabah 3D2N
Blue Sky Outdoor: Mabul Island, Sabah 3D2N: "Package Price Per Person • 12 persons & above - RM 500.00 per person • 9-11 persons - RM 550.00 per person Deposit : 50% is required ..."
Seriously i"m looking forward to bring the whole family here...all support by me!=)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
my love drugs (pt2) - increasing loves
The day I met you honey,
I knew right from the start,
you were the one I needed,
to mend my broken heart.
I knew you would make me happy,
by the way you made me smile.
I knew that we would fall in love,
if I stayed with you awhile.
We both were hurt by someone,
who said their love was true .
We both found out the hard way,
we were nothing but a fool.
My life was filled with sadness,
until you came along.
Now I can laugh and smile again,
because your love has made me strong.
The day I met you honey,
was the start of a life brand new.
You are my shining star,
a wish that did come true .
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Ambient Advertising Vodafone Vizoo
Guess what...since i'm in one of Malaysia most leading digital ambient Advertising company, i did my research through out this weekend on Ambient Advertising. It feels like i'm back and looking forward to be in advertising world once again... this time around kinda different.. I will make a different this time around cos i think ambient advertising is not really popular and interesting among Malaysian advertisers. hee..trying smartly to be different and think big.haha...(try harder pls linda!) ;p
Frankly speaking, the world have become more towards digital exposures. Others are moving forward and why are we still lagging behind. We gotta welcome and open our mind towards new medium which much convenience towards the up trend market nowdays...
this is some good example of Vodafone campaign advertising. It has been created in 2005...and i can say the digital world have not yet reached its benchmark for Malaysia market... i would love this kind of campaign to be seen in our super happening street in klang valley ;)
Sanctum Movie Trailer Official (HD)
AMAZING!! i had a constant feeling of choking waching this.VERY GOOD MOVIE!it is based on a true story!
most of all what makes even greater was i enjoyed watching it wt my lovely bf even thou we didn't manage to get best sit in the cinema (seated rite infront of the screen..argghh!!) hehe..=) And i got 10 free tixs for this movie..thanks to my Astro's fwen. i distribute the tixs to my family members, clients and also close fwens...u know who u are;)
The director attention to visuals is above and beyond what most people is capable of; doing double duty as the film's cinematographer, demonstrates a pitch-perfect photojournalistic eye.
So many of captivated values in it which it brings an additional bonus for me to actually grade this movie 8 out of 10;) 2 thumbs up for that! ;) Love it!
Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull
sEXY sEXY sEXY- hAWt haWT HAWT!! I LOVE her make up..her hair..her moves and everything about her in this clip!!! its seems almost perfect...and yeah..the dirty bit;) it somehow turns me on...feels llike wanna dance dance dance all nite long!~
Saturday, March 19, 2011
something to look about...friendship & Love
The new self of the moment is God's constant, never ending re-newel of the self's creation. And at each moment of our existence, a new self arrives to us from God, just as in this body a new breath arrives. I can be happy..hmm...not tomorrow, not yesterday, but moment to moment, beginning now!
I believes in making the most of unfolding life and not worrying about the past or the future. Worry is a heavy cloud that covers the sunshine of today. Believes in the beauty and power of NOW! Therefore i'm taking chances and go with the flow and treasure life moment by moment. Everything is perfect as it is..InsyAllah...
I might not know how to react between love and friendship. As far as i know, through my life experiences in loving someone, i never got hooked up or even falling for my own friends. Its just kinda hard for me to work things out. Some said that i'm more into 'friends kind of girl'...oh wait... the main point is exs and my current bf said that as well....hmm..i wonder....
For my understanding of both world, i did some mixing on my experiences and add on some juicy research on it....and below is what i came about.......
Love is when you feel like you are the only two around
Friendship is when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care
Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart
Friendship is being close even when you are far apart
Love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart when they are not near
Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best
Love is when you bring them the very best
Friendship occupies your mind
Love occupies your soul
Friendship is knowing that you will always try to be there when in need
Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side
Friendship is a warm smile in the winter
Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart
Love is a beautiful smile to which nothing compares
A tender laugh, which opens your heart
A single touch that melts away your fears
A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven
A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth
Friendship can survive without love
Love cannot live without friendship
Sunday, March 6, 2011
happy weekend.......
Despite my dull, depressing days throughout the whole week, I actually had a lovely plans for most of the weekends (and thank you SO much for the kind words all). I’ve been messing round with my close fwens thro
out the week as i’m gonna starts my new career next week. So, it somehow called ‘mengabiskan sisa2 waktu’. You know... how am i feeling just SO comfortable and completely myself with good friends surround me? That’s how exactly it feels with them. Lots of my time speading chillax with my close girlfwens, shara and sikin but not forgetting i always have my time texting my lover just a courtesy wanna know on each other updates. I like things so far which work out pretty fine between us. Even thou we r both in 2 separate world rite now but as long as our believes is tied up together, we just hang on it tightly.
Saturday was actually Dura’s birthday and I think I had never failed to wish her every single year since we become fwens. Oh, and I actually combined sikin’s weekend plans with me to celebrate my most good friend ever birthday...I can proudly said that i had such a great Saturday. I’m so happy to see my friends and most of all my dearie lover was there
had fun together with me & my dollies;)![]()
Guess what...we actually went to DISCO SKATING at Subang Avenue!!!!!huhuuuuuuuuu....
Last Saturday was the almost perfect saturday of mine so far as there were involvement of sweet feelings and mesmerize love running thro my soul. Blessed and grateful to be enjoying my weekend with the one that are close to me. Thanks for making my day even more Marvelous....
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