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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welcoming my blissful Ramadhan...

Here comes again Ramadhan after a year of missing~ 1 graceful year have pass by with such a truthful un forgettable memories. The most I remembered wasthe lost of my Good Fwen, Arwah Shakira, rite before we started our fasting month last year. Of course la u ols, deep in my heart i always have lil miss towards her and us. bile tgk blk myself a year ago, im totally not the same person anymore. Keceriaan dalam diri each day cam dh berkurang je....i think la....i mean in sense of friendship and chilling out. i can say, pretty much of what happen over the years, i've learned out of everything.

Mmg la setahun tu nampak in my world, everything went thro a fast phase. Not forgetting some major prob arised and of course wonderful things happen. This Ramadhan and probably Raya as well, one of our new family member dah out from our family tree...i think so la~ ntahlah...Aku rasa family aku ni family org bebaik kot...macam2 dah org2 lain buat but we all still stand strong and unite. Nape la ada manusia cam ni kat dunia..paling2 pon in every of our prayers still punya doa tuk org2 cam ni...mudah-mudahan diberikanhidayah smua bagai la~

Nway...dont la judge me on my appearance dulu2 and skang....mmg smua welcome the new me with pretty good respond.hee..alhamdulillah. Sampai saat ni aku x caya..klo dulu org nak soh aku bergambar skali i'm ok je.....(tak yah tanya i'll definitely join)..but now..i donno what happen...i'm kind of camera shy~tibe2 kan...

Yesterday, i went to lepak at my designer boutique, ada la photographer ni nk amik my pic with all the crews smua..ya ampunnn....1st time in my life i actually said...x mohhhh!!! hahaha,,,and the designer offered me and to take pic wt tu segan2 gak tu~ (maybe x rapat lagi kot....) huhu... Nway...moga this Ramadhan going to be more and more blessed and Barakah for me and my family~ InsyAllah....* cant wait* (besides jadual aku penuh dah tuk berbuka puasa with ministry clients and all..hehe) kena beringat gak...bulan Ramadhan bkn tuk mengemukkan kan badan ngan gi function2 buka posa smua ni...its all about how we absorb those pahala during Ramadhan  :)


Exactly a year go...celebrating my birthday!   tadaaaa....soon celebrating my kinda birthday!

Apa2 pon....sempena nk welcome Ramadhan... few words from myself to all readers out there..hehe

Dua hari lagi NAFAS menjadi TASBIH,
Dua hari lagi TIDUR menjadi IBADAH,
Dua hari lagi DOA di IJABAH,
Dua hari lagi BULAN PENGAMPUNAN akan tiba,
tetapi....itu semua akan terjadi dengan izin Allah SWT sebelum semua saling memaafkan dalam keikhlasan...

Mohon Maaf atas segala Kekhilafan selama ini
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

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