Friday, December 14, 2012

i hate to admit this......

y do the feeling and tots always arise in myself? aiyooo...tetibe plak kan..out of nowhere. Guess someone really knocking on my reality door. Kalau nk pk kan blk..its always be way to far beyond my thinking. I know i've been in my never ending entertainment world but pagi td suddenly i woke up and i felt soOOoOoo fucking fed up with all of it! gosh* sorry on my lidah yg sgt tajam ni... >_< 

Maybe i tune on my end of the year holiday mood cepat sgt kot...well, me and family will go for a trip next week but ntah la..hati ni cam berpaling. I guess, this kinda feeling if im not mistaken came when the time i was about to go for UMRAH..and now it comes again~~ phewww.... kenapa ek?? mmg i definitely rasa dah MUAK...OVER....ENUFF of all this media world which i hold all this while. To think back...mmg tu je jalan punca rezeki aku pon...designing and branding is part of media world which i literally love to do...communication obviously been part of mylife ever since...u know talking..planning tu smua mmg aku la punya keja. Tapi serious...why do i suddenly feels like this?? goshh!! so SHITTYZZ!! 

part of handling media..i've this Interior Job suddenly coming smoothly in my ways. Well, mulanya i've the intention just to help my mom diversify her own business...tu la..u know i stand by the quote saying.."MENYELAM SAMBIL MINUM AIR"~ sounds very greedy.. but hell no..pasang niat awal2 just to help mom...skali, Rezeki lebih murah di jalan ni..and x byk hustle. My mom was soooo supportive and guess what rite now she is sitting in front of me doing those ideas presentation for clients. Ya Allah~~ so far pelan2 la my heart are open to adapt with this new nature of business...its pretty easy and it just me indeed. 

In this world i believes that not everything we are good in this world will bring us far beyond success.It is actually the thing that we are passionate about and really focus that bring us to happiness and success in the future. I always make both of my parents as my Idol. I never ever sees them bz doing so much work those days cos i always feels there  both are around when ever the childrens need them. That what i see success in my eyes~ 

Time for me to find Him once again in order for me to find myself back again~  Gimme faith Ya Tuhan for me to gain back my semangat for me to move forward in creating more success ^_^ jommm gi cutiiiii~~~

Sunday, December 9, 2012

life changing in 2013


I know what it's like to be so mad that i go into this blind rage and dont event remember what i said or i did. I also know what it's like to be heartbroken that i cant even look at myself in the mirror without bursting into tears. I know what it's like to have so many bad things happen to myself that i start to lose faith in everything...i just know...
However i've also known times of pure joy and happiness and if i can just keep it through all of the hard times...and maybe, just maybe i will be able to find the faith I thought i had lost forever~

and i raise up even higher...~ I have a PLAN for 2013..its a HUGE one! I've already talked about this with the whole family and they've been really supportive. Alhamdulillah~

Them..they are even helping me with this one and that makes me really happy to the max!! THANK YOU~ u know..u all means a LOT TO MY LIL WORLD here. 
I'm going to plan and prepare for it. It has been 3 months down the road...went thro kinda a bumpy ride i mean..but hell yeah,it was nice and meaningful all together. This few months really tot me much to survive, enjoy and work my ass out....wouldn't be that easy without all the supports and blessings,thou~ 
And so now..i need to fully ready for this. I just really, really hope i get what we been plan all this while. Obviously i know the process wont be a walk in the park but I'll try and try until i get actually get it. *crossfingers* 

Well i dont wanna spill the full details yet, but if you're familiar wt the below photo, then this will give you a hint ;)

hee~ lets keep the faith with us^_^ xx

Monday, December 3, 2012

My Entertainment world~

It is true that what we seen and been exposed before is what we are today~
When i grow up i tend to get told the way it is and my life is just to live wonderful happy life inside this world.  Guess what? i make myself the best out of everything i do..i mean practically glued myself into the entertainment world. To look back, since im small i've this lil vision seeing myself resolve around this beautiful and happening world. The weird thing is that me never ever had this lil tots which i'm the one who be in front of camera...perhaps much more be the one who create beautiful things just to inspired others. heh~ dang! what a cliche vision i had. lol..

I donno what to do with my life if there is no entertainment world..where should i work? i know my best is doing sumthing good related to the media industry..and there i went again, resolve around my small fun world. It is tiring as a whole but when everything comes into a nice pieces, it is so satisfying!How could i ever end this lil world of mine....the life i've been so much blessed so far and Alhamdulillah i'm so enjoy it in every secs and mins. Maybe yeah, commitment will soon take over this world of mine as naturally as it is. So, for now myself have to walk down creating more wonderful colors and always thankful with all the wonderful blessings. 

ok..lets called it as CONSUMER FAIR 2012 je la..serious susah tul nk nyebut nyer..its to 'gohmen' kinda words. lol. what is this consumer fair all about?? well from my point of view, it actually one of a good platform as it is an INTERNATIONAL EVENT where by this event will bring the best and unique products from all the countries involve which is....MALAYSIA, BRUNEI, INDONESIA, PHILIPPINES and THAILAND. Awesome kan? ^_^

For me, cam biasa la...i gotta do the media promotion and advertising works. hiks;) rite from TVC, print and Radio...and this time round the ministry really seek my help in hype up the events by involving artistes and some games for the visitors. You know, what an ebent without ENTERTAINMENT value in it rite? i suggested them the artistes to perform at nite and calling up on ground team from Hotfm and TV3. I practically know how awesome they did their work in pulling out the all been done successfully. 

 event been held at MITC Melaka and targeted visitors are round 60K..huhu~ oh ya...there were about 300  booth open which the highest participation are from Brunei and Philippines..BRAVOO!!lets check out the picture taken during the 3 days event! huhu


part from being there for client's event..ehem* its actually been held at my guy kinda town yaw~ Melaka! so, this was my first nite out with him to the famous attraction place in melaka street..JONKER WALK!

hmm..used to handle this twins back when i was in TV9..hell yeah! this kid really a FOREVER

i enjoy the cultural dance pretty much as it always remind me back of my those days being on stage under the spotlight~ ahaks!err....*cliche* pfft!~

aww~ my baby robyn chan is all healthy and aggressive than before..guess she is super loved and adapt with her new home ..*SUPER LIKE*  

hiks~ 1st gift from ni sure sbb bola menang ari tu lawan indo. Thanks~

look at entertainer my emcee and the on ground rovers are...pantang dapat mic..ada je benda nk berhujah, teasing and merepek :p

Niceee!! she turned her very fuzzy and curly hair into a new hair style. Pretty NADIA AF6 :)

U might think..WHO is THIS GIRL??? hey hey..its ILA DAMIA..she used to be on MENTOR reality tv show..awesome voice and very pleasant appearance. ;) 

if i were to come across this dude, i probably doesn't know who is he? but as he sang his song and i went like...uhhhhhh..its AMIR from SOFAZ BAND!! haha. 

my guy~ just happily testing his new tele lens on my client's event. *suke la tu~*

Thanks Bro in helping me to hype up my client's event. U and ya team just rocking out well enuff!! BRAVO! us again~ lol

He end up the CONSUMER FAIR DAY wt an extra bonus song. THANK YOU wahai SOFAZ BAND. ur a really musician i can say~ 


Friday, November 30, 2012

the flying thoughts

Life has been a whirlwind and today I had the realization that i haven't been this fully happy in my life in a long time. I am completely content, inside and out and grateful for the people and experiences in my life that remind me that i'm love and constantly blessed by Allah's grace. Alhamdulillah...My road trip out of town somehow have open my eyes...

I've learned that the more i trust God and leave what i can't do in His hands, my life unfolds in ways that i never imagined. A lot of time is wasted because we are worrying about things we don't have control of or things aren't worth worrying about yet. Trusting in a higher being makes us more present.


I used to live life in a daze. Not taking control of the people surrounded myself with, the energy that i kept with me, not having the maturity and the strength to let go of people. I just went with the flow and not really understand that my life could be amazing or a daze, it was just up to me. I settle not thinking that if i redirected my focus and energy to the right things and people my life would change.

Life is just so much BEYOND what our mind can conceive. There is no reason ever to SETTLE or believe that these are our circumstances and that's all our lives will be. So many times i wanted to quit, i didn't know i was just around the corner from a break through. I keep my eyes on the prize and have faith more than anything else.

I honestly, truly believe God has BIG plans for us. Everything happens for a reason, we just need to heed the signs and trust more than we complain~ It isn't luck that gets us through is hard work and faith all together.

There are thousands of thoughts actively growing in my mind as i drive my way to Melaka. Another alone road trip that have captivate me to have a deep thoughts on things that been surrounded me lately. Feelings and thinking always play such a sentimental value in me. Works , loves and enjoyment are part of it~

I stopped my car somewhere 'senawang' RNR cos of heavy rain. My vision seems burly. I sat silently inside my car looking at the rain drops fallen on my car window. And then i started to look on my twitter updates. Of all the updates this is one that really captured my eyes...

"Adam..jika kau tidak berniat untuk mengawininya, berniatlah segera, jika tidak, jangan kau ganggu lagi dia. Hormatilah bakal zaujah Adam lain."

"Hawa, cukup-cukuplah dikaburi dengan harta, pangkat & nama Adam. Rasa gah berdampingan dengan Adam yang punyai itu smua? Periksa niatnya. Niatmu." - Dr. Anwar Fazal

and subahannAllah...i started thinking....

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

In my eyes...

Little did they know, what's essential is invisible to the naked eyes~

How do i put LIFE in my own words?? 
I come to realize so many sometimes i just sit here and think about my life in 2 to 3 years to come...of course less worries and look out for a wonderful things to really2 happen ^_^ 
So far... i enjoy my life as it is...

Two days ago i went to Halem son's Birthday party...Halem a fwen of mine back in my high school years. Few days before she called me and told me that she will be having a birthday party for her son, Syamil. And out of people she called me for lil help...well its all about graphic in designing her door gift sticker. Knowing was way simple to do so and its a YES..come think back da time Syamil was born i didn't have a chance to pay a, doing this kinda thing probably will make Halem happy :)

Tadaaa~~ this is the kinda lousy art sticker i made for lil Syamil~ (to be place on goodybag) time flies really fast. Tau2 this lil Syamil is ONE YEAR old...and so i told halem that is she plan to have another one~~ jeng jeng jeng....all she answered is..."i will wait for you" *touched* well...if it is that easy i might want it now,thou. I swear to God, women round my age all they look up is having their own cute babies....Marry is another issue but we definitely have this 'naluri keibuan' which automatically LOVE KIDS and wish in having one. ^_^'its just beauty indeed~

In my sincere eyes...i see having a family is one of the most beautiful gift to oneself. I mean..i've been mingling round with fwens who are married and everything pon seems so beautiful. They are loving, responsible and hardworking in making their family in a good terms. To add on, having a baby will somehow carry a weight in both husband and wife relationship. This is what i see and figure it out after seeing my friends. *cam best je idup berumahtangga ni kann*~  

And so...another good fwen of mine is married. AIZUDDIN AZMI is the name. we both actually from a same Uni and i knew him back then from several of my fwens. Not that close to him but we practically when thro a same disaster the same time..once upon a time la~~ lol..and now...alhamdulillah..he made it to go thro it and found the one who will complete his life puzzle~ 

This is another beautiful things in my eyes~~ MARRIAGE. Glad to know that in order to get sumthing amazing, God created some hustles for us to go thro it with patient. Then, from the imperfection comes the BEAUTY~  See it, learn it and adapt to it. 

Smart people are the one who over thinkers, the insure ones and the different ones. They know whats the real world is like. They analyze every lil thing in life.
To avoid getting hurt and to find happiness. They stay up at night trying to think bout every possible situation to get through all the problems. They think toooo much but trusr less people. Their insecurity proves their respect towards themselves. 
Of course they try to live away from drama-filled life. 
Smart people know their worth, now that's the one worth keeping by your side~

Monday, November 5, 2012

Purchase & Donate Project~

I always have a big heart in creating a smile on someones face. Most of all, in my work duty or anything, basically deep in my heart i always starts with prayers and sincere intention towards sumthing i wanna do. I'm in sales and marketing line..of course in media world..i can said all this while Alhamdulillah,cos of I'm kind of hardworking and  my efforts make me earns pretty good perks out of the sales deal i closed. And not forgetting, every cents that i get i make myself to 'Pusat Zakat Selangor'. Well, we gotta always think that not everyone has fortunate life rite. So, there i go share my hardworking profits i get with the one who really needs help.

It has been my own practice in myself to do so as i always see my parent did all this amal jariah thingy since i was a kid. And alhamdulillah, the good values keep on and on growing to next generation...perhaps soon gonna be develop in my 'junior me'. hiks! InsyAllah~ So, Whats up with this 'Purchase & Donate Project?'

Let me go by a teaser.... a partnership boutique!jeng jeng jeng....!~Ahaks! Yes! I'm in the middle of helping my mom expanding her boutique into a proper and upgrade business. And at the same time partnership with my good friend in doing online boutique. Discussion and paper work all done and now there is some added value that we both had agreed to put in a project called " Purchase and donate"! cool aitw ;)

The project is currently in alpha stage of development. We are still putting some minor issues like 10% of the purchasing money will be donate to unfortunate kids or single parents or orphanage or even Animals rite society. Those associations are still under our consideration.. :)

And so..i started with selling this online on my instagram : Lindaroos7 .huhu

Purchase & Donate Project : Nice & comfy handmade shoe for SALES!!
Price : RM 99.90 (each)
Size: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
PM if you wanna purchase it..and every purchase 10% goes for donation..InsyAllah to unfortunate and single parents~

Peace! xx

Sunday, October 28, 2012

This is My Story on 27 Oct ~

A year ago i was so excited in getting through the date of 27 October. WHY??Ooouu....thats kinda of hurry to tell it out the story at the beginning...come on~ i love thrill..lets get down into it. huhu.. just let me run thro the whole classic and awesome drama that happen a year ago then i will jump into the real and updated one at this particular date. hee...

27 Oct is the date of by BF born in~ Yes he is a Scorpio Man^_^ Dark, moody at times, real and...infinitely sexy to my eyes. *.*~ while myself much more into the bubbly type and love making surprise to people...ehem! like surprising the Scorpio Man?? aww! come on... for me there's no distriction not to do so.. haha. So, i planned a good surprise for him...and that was the 1st time we actually celebrating it together...and hell yeah..we also in da middle to know each other more closer..i terms of emotion and stuffs. LoL.I planned with his housemate where from out of nowhere i did't event talk that much with him when ever me and boyfie hang round together. oh ya...NOT TALK AT ALL...but this time i really need his help ...cos he is my main character for the whole surprise drama. haha

My plan was to go to his rent house .. sneak in inside while he and his housemate go out. But how am i supposed to go in there without a key?? ^_^...(harapan berkecai tp mmg i'm the one who plan and always try to make it matter what!)huhu...*gosh* i sounded so demanding.. ;p forward da plan went perfectly smooth...well planned all together.. i can said..and i gotta say much thanks to his housemate who did pretty amazing job! bravo! i mean we both boyfie for seriously SURPRISED!!lol...

One lesson learned....and been stressed out...HE DOESN'T like SURPRISES at ALL! gosh!!!how could i ever forget that moment...His Stunted to see me in his rent house with all the food and cakes all ready for there was special birthday song been tuned on at the moment he entered his house~ lol... ( i know deep inside me...he gonna be mad at me cos i tend to go over his expectation ^_^) oopppssiee...its just me~ Love to surprise and make people feel that he/she living in such a wonderful world...ok!cut the crap~:p He were so surprised and thankful to made him felt amazed...for a second.ahaks! *STRIKE*  and a min after he pronounced....'next time, tak yah surprise2 dah..i x biasa benda2 ni smua'...aww~~ >_<'

 this was taken a year go~~ aww!

And guess what i did this year...OBVIOUSLY NO SURPRISES la fact asked him...what did u want for ya birthday? huhu...keep it simple and direct je..(so not me..but i get used to it soon or later  ...The one that i know lately he much more into CATS...ngioww~ SO, i got the point! BINGO....u want kitty ke ^_^ *sambil buat muke hello kitty* haha...

He gave me the picture the one he finds on really the mudah ok...cos pretty easy to get cats online...i tried after he encouraged me to...and at last aku yg pagi,petang siang malam dok layan lol..

Tadaaaaa~~ this is his Al-kuntut present Robyn Chan.. ^_^ ngioww~
doesn't this lil tiny kitty looks so Lovely..yes! its a SHE yaww~ *wink*

i got this lil Robyn 2 weeks before his i got to keep this kitty for 2 weeks...BEST nyerrr!!! kwn la ngan abg zorro kun~ lol...
look at lovely those kitty and my super gundut zorro...they get together pretty well,thou~  missing the kuntuts Robyn la plak... *tibe2* ^_^..benda dah selamat kat tgn abg Mal la kan~~

My Mission to so called surprised tak kesampaian...but i got him pretty much impressed kot with this.....on the nite of his saje la lewat kan 5mins after 12am~~ 

Happy Birthday Abg Mal..ayang....~ Love u and my pray will always be with you for ya success. Moga di panjangkan umur and murahkan Rezeki.aminnn~ ^_^ 
surpriseeeeeeee~ lol. mungkin x surprise sgt...but ..ehem* effort tu ada la kan... (budget nk berangan2 dlm bilik try and error tied up my so called turban..end up got this tiny lil idea...*catchy* might be small to someone..but i guess if it to someone special its such HUGEE effort! ^_^..heee)


Sunday, October 21, 2012

what i think about "Expectation"~

Expectation plays a large role in achievement. If a person or organization has a goal, they have the expectation to reach this goal. In doing so they have the ability not only of reaching the goal but to exceed it. It can also be a lot of fun.
Expectation sort of goes hand in hand with the power of positive thinking and guided imagery in terms of achievement or successful outcomes. If I don't believe in what I am doing, or have a strong sense that I am on the right track or path, why in the world would I be involved in something that I feel isn't going to work out? If I have done my homework and all signs point toward success, then I must be highly invested in what I am doing with a more than positive sense and an expectation that it will work out. 

Toward my achievement in anything I do, I always surround myself with people who buy into my vision, or dream, or project, whatever it is so that the energy is high, the desire to succeed is high, the effort to make it work is there, and there is a total buy in. There will always be obstacle and unforeseen problems that occur, but how I deal with will determine the outcome. Sometimes you have to shift gears or switch directions but worst comes to worst i have to go with the flow. Life is organic, flexibility counts for a lot. Probably, I will not meet our objective sometimes? Of course. But every challenge or disappointment is an opportunity for something new.

I always expect a satisfying job content, good working environment, nice colleagues, attractive pay and perks, some amount of authority and independence, avenues to grow even higher up are common contentions.

"What the most I actually expect are satisfying job content, good working environment, nice colleagues, attractive pay and perks, some amount of authority and independence, avenues to grow higher up are the common contentions. " (ok!! people get it Linda...jgn nk repeat byk kali la kan....) lol~

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hospitalized again???

(ini adalah adegan doeng si linda ting t0ng)

hey hey~~ u know can tell a thounsand words. So, guys dont la been fool by those pictures. Not me who been hospitalize..but actually my mom. Those picture was taken while my mom went for an X-Ray and happen that i'm the one who look after her that day..alone plak tu...kinda bored and mind flew back to 4 yrs ago where i was hospitalized for almost 1month....haa...x puas lg ke linda oiiii~~ lol

To be mom been admitted once again as doctor detected a stone in her hempedu kot...somewhre near ulu hati. She been complaining have a serious gastric few days before she been told that she gotta go thro another surgery. Woooo....How SERIUS?? jeng jeng is the story..i fast forward a lil mom went thro a minor operation 2 yrs ago rite after Hari Raya chup! its during raya time..3rd day of our Raya dah kena admit just to buang the stone..and now after 2 yrs..tadaaa....the stone is BACK!! stonecold betul la batu nii!! time around doctor advised to just take out her HEMPEDU...cos hempedu la tempat jd nyer the stone. ok...i dont really take biology and i dont know what gonna happen if one doesn't have HEMPEDU...kuang3x~

ok rite 11.30pm my mama just out from the OPERATION THEATER!~and the nurse said mama will sadar balik as usual after 6 hours cam tu....Ya Allah~ there is no one i could mohon to for my mom to be well back again and get active as she always did. Moga2 mama cepat sembuh..and our prays are all for u  my dearest mama. We have lotsa plans to materialize...~

Thanks for all the warm wishes to my mom...friends, clients a nd followers on FB, Twitter and Instagram~ ahaks..thanks..u guys roxs!!Doa kalian smua amat dihargai kami seisi keluarga :)

peace! xx


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Moment of Notorious Joy~ ;)

Today is my youngest brother convocation~  and today jugak la i can see from my mom eyes released of happiness. Alhamdullillah...all 5 of her children now dah pon selesai di menara gading..ahaks! I went down with my mom just to accompany her and witness my adik receiving his degree scroll. ye la...time i was back in my Uni years..even thou satu Uni, i seldom catch up with my bro. sometimes he buzzed me for help with his assignment ..yeah as i remembered la...we help each other.. he help being my model for my kinda assignments and so did Senang sbb we know what each other doing...time flies really fast, i dont even remember my time receiving the sad~ that  moment i was literally high on medication..u know i end up my study years not as appropriate as everybody just MADNESS ill but apa-apa pon i'm truly blessed to see smua anak2 mama dah berjaya and alhamdulillah everybody are all employed..erk....except for me...SELF employed for now la~

Despite that my brother nyer convo, i took advantage to meet all my lecturers that used to teach , spend time and work together with me those days. aww~ seriusly i missed those days...(cuba gak nk ingat ape2 memory yg ada dlm pale hotak aku ni) haha.. Back in my Uni days...i can say im quite close to most of the lecturers...cos i'm always be the one who have so many reasons not attending classes ^_^' ...once i remembered ..siap soh lecturer cover for me while i'm away for cheerleading competition to UK, London! and i gotta buy her a handbag from mark&Spencer.

I came across this one old guy..he looks familiar to me..and he keep on usha-ing me atas bwh. From his look i know that he knew me but he couldn't exactly recall my name. then i ran to my brother, asking him who is that guy sitting by the pillar...then trus my bro sound.." that's NORMAN..dia lecturer gatal tu" !! ceyhh!! No wonderr~~ now i remembered..he was my audio lecturer. and he actually made an announcement last time which practically memalu kan aku ni...i mean could i forgot about that. The time when i was performing for battle of the band and he was one of the judges. He said so proudly.."i'm her FAV cheerleader fan'!WTH! i'm on BOTB not cheer comp...~ so guess what...i just 'buat bodo' with him while others.. i'm so happily catch up with. huhu.

This one of my fav lecturer..En. Ramlan..hmmm....he's soooo creative and he's the one i always hang out with those days. Bercerita tentang CITA-CITA and hangan2  while at that particular time i'm in the middle of  preparing my major submission.(actually mtk his bantuan gaks) haha.. from far he eyeing me and called me..."i know u....." and i was like..."yeah..en. Ramlan...Saya la Linda..." and he spelled out the "roos' together with me. Yup..Linda Roos, thats me;) and so..the catching up session begin...he asked for my name card and num smua but i dont bring any :( the last thing i know..he will check me on MMU-FCM alumni ~ good luck in finding me there :p haha

Rite after My lil bro receiving his scroll!! CONGRATS!!!
this is the man who taught me see and give me the sense of appreciation in m being behind the camera person. Thanks you Che MAt, photography lecturer! all the words and wisdom is still fresh on my mind. I see great things thro my eyes of soul in capturing moments/. 

bkn main meriah lagi adik aku ni.....puas la tu dpt picture yang dia la nk kluarkan invoice hasil keja aku ni~ ahaks!

my ex-TV9 colleague who happen to be at MMU CONVO2012 cos his brother also together in the same course as my bro. what a small world~

My CBN Junior and MMU junior taking the same course as me- MEDIA INNOVATION. *awesome*..guess what she's a friend of my lil bro and yeah she is the one who helping me with my3L graphic on Print Media! Bravo!!!

Moment : Mama & Fairoos...ok..this is kinda cliche cos it looks like ala2 wedding portrait. teeettttttt~ haha

CONGRATS to ALL JUNIORS!!! and GOOD LUCK for ya future undertaking ;)

*peace: xoxo

A sweet escape~

A week ago at this hour i was enjoying my time alone at Hot Spring Felda, Sungkai PErak  . A quick gateway back to truly nature and the most greens was what i really wanted after a tiring and mentally abused with work loads. ahaks! ALhamdulillah...i've my own time in appreciate every moment of me and nature...eceyh! i donno la why but when my head is FULL with o many things to handle and to think about...guess what...i just need to go out from the city or a place that i always stuck in..take 2 3 days out alone..going to a new place...meeting new people and yeah...its just PERFECT for my mind and my soul!

All been set  earlier on and i've no worries to drive there. lagi pon myself love a long distance driving cos while driving there are a lot of things i can literally think in more deep about that particular problems. huhu...ckp cam byk sgt masalah in me kan. lol.  Basically i did a lot of things out of my time alone...sampai people kat perkampungan felda tu tanya la ..'awak tak bosan ke sesorang?' (sambil tgk me with their pity face cam ala2 aku ni x der kwn langsung la kan) ahaha... i've 1 solid answer that make up a thousand reasons...haha. To be truth, my life x kira la work life ke ape..its all about meeting people. I donno la about others who is happen in the same line of working, but i do appreciate moment of myself (knowing that i aint got my own family to build yet, yes traveling alone is always be in my 'THINGS TO DO BEFORE I'M MARRY' hehe... 

So, ape je aku buat selama 3 hari 2 malam?? well, i got all schedules perfectly..i did my own morning Run, cycling, explore kampung felda by cycling, gi pekan beli makanan kampung,,to be specific makan NASI KUKUS KAMPUNG ye. awesome! oh yes...if gi Hot Spring and tak gi its main attraction mmg RUGI la....they have KOLAM AIR PANAS (ori) and AIR SEJUK from the mount! but i spend most of my time reading sambil rendam dlm kolam air panas... i tot i wanna try the private jakuzzi but hell no cos i'm going there alone and the private jakuzzi is way to scary sbb the place is kat ceruk villa yang mmg x de org lansung during weekdays..huhu. so tgk je la my mind and soul dah di fresh kan dengan keindahan desa. Eceyh~ lol
i pass by all the greens a long the way to this kinda peaceful place! ahaks~ *awesome*

Buat kacau kat kampung org~ ....*evil moment*

Basikal yang berbakti to myself for 3days....huhu. Segala pelusuk la i actually explore~

Saturday, September 29, 2012

never ending job~~

After one project literally done here comes another job I gotta develop. This kinda project also the one i've been helping out my MOHE client over the past 1 year far its always be the 'TALKED'...and poor thing less action been taken..While the KPI of the whole brand campaign gotta achieve by year 2015. Ok! guess we left another 2 years to go...more or less la~ pheww..

Developing a campaign and wish it will sustain..hmm.. i think it really need a major serious PLAN where by if i calculate it, more or less it usually needs 1-3 years time... guess what!! the duration been shorten and yet no ACTION taken.  pftt! so again i'd been asked to develop the 'comprehensive Media Campaign' and for it to be propose to client really soon.. aishh~ when they got called up on the budget for next year..that is the time AGAIN i gotta spend time sit down and plan with them.  hope this time would be much more co-operative on both sides, Media & clients.

Tadaaaa~ this is the sneak preview of my up coming project... :) 

As i plan out the campaign phases...SUDDENLY i came across this figure 'YEAR 2013' !!! oh nooo.....I'm AGING....YOU AGING...EVERYBODY AGING~~ I got SMACKED rite on my FACE to think that i've plan lots of stuffs regards to my works...LIKE HELOOoOOoo...what do i really PLAN FOR MYSELF??? 

okok...for once my dear Linda Roos....ur so hyper-psycholy-workaholic girl! Put a lil sensitivity in yaself to look upon on ya personal life...exclude ya work LIFE! pls pls..WORK OFF~ gosh! 2013 figure really RANG MY BLOODY LIFE ALARM~ >_<'  SubahanAllah~  time really flies indeed.....and it flies with RESPONSIBILITY in each second. pheww~ 

adoyaiii~ benda kite nk cite bout my next kinda project...there i go slightly terasa deep inside me.hee...DAMN you NUMBER!! lol. nway u ols..wish me luck on my next project...check it is good in developing oneself to a greatest height indeed ;) 

adioss~ peace, roger and out! xx

Friday, September 28, 2012

Lesson from a dream~

So 2 days ago i had a dream that i was MARRIED which was interesting if any of u know me well. Hiks! Probably because i try to clean up some of my FB photos that somehow i wanna delete it...u know ..what pass is pass. Then i came across pictures that a lot of my fwen tagged me on it. ..many of it is my friend’s wedding photos. Aww~ but it was so glowing^_^ i was wearing a flowery home blouse as i think that i’m looking good in yellow kot..haha,  my favourite style of ‘sluar bacin’ to be better know as HAWT pants..erkk..thats not how i used to wear at home actually :p (practically only i my dream)...and of course wt my choice pink

I had my dream loft, complete wt complete with white cabinet in the kitchen and exposed brick. Hee. I was standing in the kitchen making something with whomever i was married to...(this part happen maybe cos i’m practically in the mood of cooking dishes lately...i mean now that i’ve my own kinda time..all the ‘suri rumah’ stuffs all kawtim) ahaks!~ then i remembered was sitting on a couch, visibly distressed. He just blurted out “ i cheated on u” . The next part was what stuck with me the most, thou. I’ve had this internal “who the heck am i supposed to be”. So, this was like a smack in the face to me. What i did was crouch down on the floor for a minute, closed eyes,covered my face and prayed. Then  i got up, grabbed a bowl to fill with water, a towel, and a cloth and took it over to him. I took his shoes off and wash his feet. He was just sitting there numbly. So, I reminded him that vowed to remain with him and follow his leadership and that lying to him was just as much of a sin. I was sitting on the floor and he still wasn’t speaking, so i put my face on his knees ad prayed to love and forgive as God did. And suddenly....someone knocking on my room door ..”lindaaa, pls alih keta org nak kuar gi keja ni”...tuh, i woke up~(kacau je my adik about to see the plot ;( hmmpk!)

What struck a chord is the fact that i’m finally leaning teeny tiny bits of myself at a time, and i’ve been asking God to help me become who i really am. That dream was MASSIVE . I want to be that women who really know and hold on her vow. I’m still not entirely sure if i’m called to marriage, but even so, that is the kind of peace in me in believing there will always be God in any situation. Thus, that doesn’t mean life doesn’t hurt sometimes,  but believing in God is so much more beautiful than any other suffering endure.

When there is no happiness, there is joy abounding! Forgive cos you were given. Love cos u are loved. At all times, be thankful and praise to Allah SWT for his blessing is more than enuff!~

*happy life* peace.xoxo-

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm Back~~!!

OMG! i've been missing to blog about whats happening in my life over this 2 weeks!!! workload as usual la just crazy...but this time EXTRA GILEEEE kot!! u know..Alhamdulillah my ministry campaign, My3L- Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat, is all DONE and PASSED! Now working on the 2nd phase of media Plan. Secara jujur nya...working in media world of course everything is so happening and enjoyful in the eyes of everyone. The fact is, we dealing with some psychological, emotions and psychical in order for people to get what the whole message been spoken to them. Well, this is not my 1st time doing it but...the fact that i'm OFFICIALLY A SELF-EMPLOYED in servicing my kinda client and and proceed on what my  mission is..somehow half way out of sudden 'GIVE UP syndrome' appeared in my head. oH noOo! thats not me...i swear that not my kiinda attitude to give on something hat i love to do and pursue to a greater heights...(still dream on getting my GOAL) haha...

Penat? Tired? restless? no mood? perli? those kinda things arises through the campaign project. Rite from client servicing, to dealing wt media owners, up to doing creative..i got it all KAWTIM we my own self. Thanks to those who really went thro with me and stay strong together. Seriously i LEARNED a lot in the journey of making one project successful. ...terlalu byk tuk diperkatakan.

The worst scenario is that i'm a lil bit bengang wt client (as usual la in servicing line)...client always make changes at the very last minute. And on our part , the middle person for media owner and client..we gotta get the communication fast and delivered pretty well.. MY GOSH!! to get to a rite COMMUNICATION is really freaking hard!!! thank God, i always be the one who almost everytime pon be a middle person for some issues. So, when client send me email saying wanna amend something i gotta forward the email to my designer for 100times!!! siapa yg x sakit hati kan....benda bley je bgtau nk kluar paper esok, datelline dah tamat a day ago still nk tukar itu ini!! aishhh!!! then.....i wanted to forward this kinda amendment email from client to designer but i actually replying to my client back!!!! MADNESS~ FREAKOUT!! *My world is so DARK* why?? i actually said.....something that expressed my inner feeling which 100% full of anger to my designer but actually it went to my own client! WuaaaaaAa~~ serious mata dh berair nk nangis takot client think negative bout my anger statement. lol

at this particular moment i believes one thing... 'HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY'....i came clean with my client said that the media owner is chasing us for materials and i really hope client side would be much more co-operative in making things slightly easier for all us. ^_^' tadaaaa~~ things get even better after that..Alhamdulillah sgt.hehe... and yeah....klo kite rasa kite x salah...we have to just stand up front..Berani kerana Benar ye. huhu.

oh LR lil Notebook, there are so many things i would like to tell to u..and others. this 2 freaking weeks really tot me to know more about life, people and surrounding. I LOVE what i've been a bit of mengomel sana mengomel sini...but after all its ALL FUN TO THE MAX!!! alhamdulillah..more job coming in...(thats the best part) ..ehem* al-maklum...i'm standing on my 2 feet, working my ass out and yes...built up my own COMPANY/EMPAYAR~ hukhuk....insyAllah~ hehe. doain aja ya ....*i love my Job*

tadaaaaa~~ this is the post Ad that soon gonna be on Mingguan Malaysia this 30th Sept 2012. Check it out peopleee~ hehe ^_^' 

peace! xx 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

...The end of sumthing is always be the beginning.. ~

Happy Malaysia Day People :)
The good thing about today, 16th September 2012 not just that its Our Malaysian Day but also its the day when i feel amazing and proud on myself and the people who eventually have lend me their hands, believes and support.Thank you and Alhamdulillah~ *heart* kinda project is on~ 

Senang aje to see everything run smoothly as plan. More to come people and i always remind myself that keep on believing as others did ... InsyAllah~

" There is inner beauty in a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way...
There is beauty in myself whose confidence comes from experiences, I definitely know that I can fall at any time, but always pick myself up and keep moving on once again"~  -Linda Roos

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I'll be Alright...i know...i will...

It is really a tough week after all. Right from my work loads that i'm currently facing..i mean i'm struggle between few different tasks that need to be complete ASAP plus juggling to face such crap shityz political issues that been going on ever since i step into 'the company'. No! seriously NO....i'm not Mad or even have this lil regret upon what happen.

Why?? I was once strong to myself. I was proud and damaged. There was a sense that i knew what life was and what life was not.. .i absolutely knew everything i wanted and did not want. The illusion in which i lived was grounded in the confusion in which i had experienced. Enuff! and so...its time for me to walk away...Finally i did... but...of course at the moment i decided to, i bring my vision, happiness,  strength, believes and not forgetting worries all along on my future own journey.hee..I'm not putting up with things anymore, i'm loving the person who i actually met along the way and work with (exclude the one who always demotivate others). I smile more, i laugh a lot, and i wear color even lot more. I even love my superb Job!!

I do the things i Love to do and i love the thing im currently do.the next thing i know...that i'm so eagerly wanna tell the most closest person to me who is my family members and love ones..pls me from behind and believes in my vision and dreams. and to others as well yah~ InsyALlah everything comes into a beautiful picture ...again i'm taking chances and of course giving opportunity a consideration. huhu. guess what...i tendered myself from a corporate world and i'm pursuing my own kinda dream. I know....Its CRAZY!! but hell yeah..its fascinating... it would be MORE AMAZING when the closest person being my pillar of strength through my kinda journey. the one i always wish for is Happy living, people~ hiks!

Its all started when i'm confidently got this one Project under Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). Alhamdulillah..those things slowly comes to me after a year chasing for this particular project. Proposal by last..BoOomM!! this campaign called, My3L...Life Long Learning...(check out my previous post yaww~) I actually built up a proposal phase by phase just to show that this kinda campaign/project is soooOoO freaking Valueable to each and every Malaysian,thou.

I got to be the person who manage in terms of Media planning and campaign branding. AWESOME!! i did rite from Ideas development, up to designing wt the help of my juniors, and of course the TVC! woww!! *cant believes* This campaign will start to run on our Medias starting 2moro ...pls look at the print ad on Mingguan Malaysia and Metro Ahad. Those media people who i'd dealing with..there are those strong people behind me and kind people who support me in making my baby project a success~ InsyAllah....

Tadaaaa~ this are all the creative in promoting My3L campaign prior to its BIG LAUNCH~ i'm totally happy beyond knowledge which i gained back in Uni..and now I make it happen in a real industry...SubahannAllah~ its just Awesome!! like totally~....1st steps ....Alhamdulillah for all the beauty and colorful experienced i had and now its time to giving it back to the world..eceyh~ haha...(amenndaaa la...feeling menang oscar keeee?? hiks~) haha

i came out with Icon print Ad concepts using celebrities that owns a soft skills in helping the message of 'Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat' to cross over perfectly into everybody's mind. well..i think so...thus, i did the collaboration with Simply Siti to tag along in providing and considering this kinda project is a good platform in enhancing knowledge to all Malaysian~ (thats what i talking about by giving back to the world yawww~) lol! 

In a 1st phase also, besides promoting the Big launch of My3L...we do need to do some awareness teaser Ad which it likely to be as a pull factor to the mass market!..this kinda ad i purposely proposed just to let everyone knows that..."hey..look at this.. government is doing something for your better life. Its all starts with ya own decision!!' and yeah..of course ....this kinda Ad will be give some sort like a new image of 'gohmen' ad after all~ haha 

Here goes the Carnival Promo prior to its BIG LAUNCH! huhu..u can catch it up on TV3, Astro Ria, Prima and Mustika HD and not forgetting RTM 1 and RTM2. ( seems that all major Tv Network its on my plan..lhuhu)

Of course...i make this baby project into a comprehensive Media Exposure which i definitely include social medias and bloggers as well. (this platform is one of a good media channel that we, media people, just have to take it a consideration on planning a successful campaign using online platform) trust me! been doing it ever seen in my study year. lol!

Both blog, Blogserius and AMANZ are the main blog for this campaign. let us see~..huhu

and guess what..i've 800 blogs more in supporting this campaign. *awesome* (ehem* mmg x la nk letak all 800 bloggers on my blog kan...amik skit2 sudah!) haha

So, lets the show begin very soon~ and what am i supposed to do??? OBSERVE and CAPTURE! snappy snapppy photos~  (the portfolio starts....) ^_^' alhamdulillah, rizki lagi bagi aku...~

well..i would really like to end my long ever post ni saying ....

"kita tak mungkin dapat puaskan hati smua pihak kan...
and obviously smua pihak pon x dapat puaskan hati kita ni~ 
at least myself will learn to accept the lackness in me as well as in other people..
cos i believes everybody ada kelemahan sendri....doesn't u see the whole picture yet?? 

Looking towards the future...InsyAllah...i'll be Alright~

eat that! love & Peace. xoxo